RiskApps, our independent underwriting manual has continued to develop through 2021 and we have made a number of updates to both the content and functionality:
- Early in the year we released a number of updates to key medical topics such as multiple sclerosis and cannabis
- More recently we also updated the Dementia topic after in depth research including more than 20 clinical papers
- We have also added new topics such as Duplex kidney, Pineal cyst, Postural tachycardia syndrome and Gender dysphoria
- The coronavirus topic has been regularly updated as our knowledge improves
- There have also been a number of updates to 11 topics in the Sports section including enhanced text, new classification systems and more detailed rating guidance
Work continues on the brand-new version of RiskApps – new look, new functionality and based on the latest technology. We now have two clients using the new platform.
The improvements and benefits are many:
- An updated look and feel creating a more consistent user experience
- Improved response times
- A new login process with improved security
- A self-service process for forgotten passwords
- New users added by self-service registration
- A brand-new look, with more space, particularly for the rating tables and to reduce the need for scrolling.
The introduction of this completely new platform demonstrates our ongoing commitment to continuous product development and improvement. The primary content and functionality is complete and development work now is focused on adding the supporting features and functionality.
- A new look worksheet with the ability to add user notes and attachments
- The enablement of integration with other systems including an underwriting engine and associated workbench
- An ‘underwriting wizard’, a smarter way of interacting with the manual when dealing with complex risks.
RiskApps is SelectX’s independent underwriting manual service for life and disability underwriters. The manual is available on a SaaS basis which eliminates budgetary strains and means quick, straightforward implementation. The fees include regular updates enabling users easily to adapt to changes in the world of risk. RiskApps can easily be used ‘straight out of the box’ or can be customised in line with your own underwriting philosophy as well as your corporate image. See www.selectxtiskapps.com or contact us for more information.